Benedetti e Grigi


The wine-producing Azienda Benedetti & Grigi takes place from the love of Umberto Benedetti and Daniele Grigi for Umbria, the region where nature works since ancient times, in order to create magical environments. Here is possible to see many and many wonderful vineyards, which are the pure expression of the “green heart” of Italy, as Umbria is usually called. The idea on which the Azienda benedetti & Grigi is based on, regards the direct and lovely cyclic nature present on the Umbria land, particularly thinking about the seasons of this region. The aim of the Azienda, so, is to create prestigious wines, elegant, wines of a very high quality.

In order to realize their dreams, Benedetti e Grigi create a real team, in which are working the most prepared and appreciated professional figures of the wine sector. Wine is for everyone a real and deep passion, and because of this, competence, love, passion, and hard work, are the skills, and the features, of the team.

If enology and viticulture can be considered as forms of art, so this Azienda is absolutely proud of its way of working. Sun, shadow of the millennial woods, very sincere people, a deep knowledge and a deep love for the vineyards, are all fundamental factors for this Azienda: Thanks to these factors, Benedetti&Grigi have a precise view for what concern their products. The main idea is to create products which can be considered as totally new in the wine sector, and this can be possible because of the harmony between the ancient tradition, still present in the Umbria territory, and modernity. However, the balance between tradition and modernity is uncertain, so resolution and passion are absolutely important for this Azienda. This harmony and this balance, are, anyway, always well controlled by Benedetti & Grigi, and they can affirm that these two aspects are deeply involved in the view the owners have.
Il sole, l’ombra dei boschi secolari, una gente schietta e ospitale, dalla sapienza antica, l’amore profondo per i vigneti. Tutto questo ci ispira, determinando in modo preciso la nostra visione: dare alla luce una linea di prodotti che costituiscono, nel panorama vinicolo, un’assoluta novità grazie al connubio armonico, perfettamente riuscito, fra il frutto di tradizioni ancestrali e l’applicazione delle tecniche più moderne. È un equilibrio precario, mutevole, che perseguiamo con determinazione e che siamo fieri di riuscire a ricreare tutti giorni: questa armonia è la nostra visione.

Loc. La Polzella, Montefalco (PG)
Umbria – ITALY
T. 075 9886990