
Il Terzo Anno di Promozione, in Collaborazione con Eataly, Costituisce la Colonna Portante della Campagna Pluriennale a Sostegno della Crescente Popolarità del Vino piu’ Caratteristico dell’Umbria.

Il Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco annuncia la terza edizione del “Sagrantino Month”, il mese di promozione del vino simbolo dell’Umbria presso Eataly New York per tutto Marzo, debuttando anche nel negozio appena aperto di Chicago, l’ultima perla dell’impero costruito da Oscar Farinetti.
La promozione segna anche l’inizio del terzo anno della campagna promozionale del Sagrantino negli Stati Uniti che include eventi, coinvolgimento di stampa ed operatori. “Abbiamo raggiunto risultati eccellenti nei due anni precedenti e vogliamo incrementare questo trend positivo”, ha spiegato Amilcare Pambuffetti, presidente del Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco.
“Dopo aver stabilito una credibilita’ a New York, quest’anno siamo particolarmente felici di presentare il Sagrantino in altre città degli Stati Uniti come Chicago, San Francisco e Los Angeles, tutti mercati chiave per i nostri produttori.”
La promozione del mese del Sagrantino avra’ luogo in entrambe i negozi Eataly, includerà seminari per la stampa e gli operatori, classi educative per consumatori, degustazioni gratuite e vini offerti al bicchiere a pagamento presso tutti i ristoranti di Eataly. La promozione continuerà durante l’anno con degustazioni virtuali via streaming con la stampa statunitense, degustazioni focalizzate nei mercati di Los Angeles e San Francisco, viaggi stampa a Montefalco ed incontri riservati agli importatori per i produttori privi di importazione.
Cinque sono le cantine che parteciperanno alla promozione del Sagrantino Month: Antonelli San Marco, Arnaldo Caprai, Perticaia, Scacciadiavoli e Tenuta Castelbuono. Ulteriori cantine saranno coinvolte in altre attività da svolgersi nel corso dell’anno: Le Cimate, Romanelli e Tenuta Bellafonte.


Sabato 1 Marzo – dalle 12:00 alle 18:00 – Degustazione abbinata Corner Eccellenze

Martedì 4 Marzo 2014 – dalle 12:30 alle 14:00:Evento di inaugurazione

Giovedì 6 Marzo – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino

Venerdì 7 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:30 alle 20:00: Classe per Consumatori Sagrantino DOCG e Montefalco DOC.

Venerdì 7 Marzo – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino

Sabato 8 Marzo – dalle 12:00 alle 18:00 – Degustazione abbinata Corner Eccellenze

Venerdì 14 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:30 alle 20:00: Classe SAGRANTINO DOCG per Consumatori.

Venerdì 14 Marzo – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino

Sabato 15 Marzo – dalle 12:00 alle 18:00 – Degustazione abbinata Corner Eccellenze

Mercoledì 19 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:30 alle 20:00: Classe per Consumatori Sagrantino DOCG e Montefalco DOC.

Venerdì 21 Marzo – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino

Sabato 22 Marzo – dalle 12:00 alle 18:00 – Degustazione abbinata Corner Eccellenze

Lunedì 24 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:30 alle 20:00: Classe MONTEFALCO DOC per Consumatori.

Venerdì 28 Marzo – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Sabato 29 Marzo – dalle 12:00 alle 18:00 – Degustazione abbinata Corner Eccellenze

Tutto Marzo: Vini in vendita all’interno di Eataly ed in mescita nei ristoranti di Eataly.


9 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino
10 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino
12 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino
13 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino
14 Marzo 2014 – dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 – Degustazione al Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Tutto Marzo: Vini in vendita all’interno di Eataly ed in mescita nei ristoranti di Eataly.


3rdAnnual Celebration, in Partnership with Eataly, Serves as Centerpiece of Multi-Year Campaign to Support Growing Popularity of Umbria’s Signature Wine

The Montefalco Consortium announces the 3rd annual ‘Sagrantino Month’ at Eataly to be held this March. The Sagrantino Month promotion will take place at Eataly’s New York City location as well as the newly opened Chicago store. The promotion marks the beginning of the third year of a national Sagrantino campaign that includes events, promotions, media and trade relations. “We achieved excellent results in the past two years and we want to build on the positive trend,” explained Amilcare Pambuffetti, president of the Montefalco Consortium. “Having established a foundation in New York, this year we’re especially excited to showcase Sagrantino in other US cities including Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, all focus markets for our producers.”

The Sagrantino Month promotion at both Eataly locations will include seminars for press and trade, consumer classes, free tastings and wine-by-the-glass programs at all of Eataly’s restaurants. The year-long promotion will continue with virtual tastings with US press, trade-focused tastings in Los Angeles and San Francisco, press trips to Montefalco, dedicated importer meetings for unrepresented producers and a consumer & trade awareness and education program.

There are five participating wineries in the Sagrantino Month promotion: Antonelli San Marco, Arnaldo Caprai, Perticaia, Scacciadiavoli and Tenuta Castelbuono. Four more wineries will be involved in the other activities throughout the year: Colle del Saraceno, Le Cimate, Romanelli and Tenuta Bellafonte.

Please visit for more information on Sagrantino and Montefalco, and visit for schedules and specials during Sagrantino Month.


Saturday, 1st of March, 2014 – 12pm to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Tuesday, 4th of March, 2014 – from 12:30pm to 2pm – Opening Event
Thursday, 6th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store Eataly Vino
Friday, 7th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumers about Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG and Montefalco DOC.
Friday, 7th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 8th of March, 2014 – from 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Friday, 14th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumer about Sagrantino DOCG.
Friday, 14th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 15th of March, 2014 – 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Wednesday, 19th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumers about Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG and Montefalco DOC.
Friday, 21st of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 22nd of March, 2014 – from 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Monday, 24th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumer about Montefalco DOC.
Friday, 28th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 29th of March, 2014 – from 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
For the entire month of March:Wine on sale inside Eataly and serving at Eataly restaurants.


 9th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
10th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
12nd of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
13rd of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
14th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
For the entire month of March:Wine on sale inside Eataly and serving at Eataly restaurants.SagrantinoMonth

3rdAnnual Celebration, in Partnership with Eataly, Serves as Centerpiece of Multi-Year Campaign to Support Growing Popularity of Umbria’s Signature Wine

The Montefalco Consortium announces the 3rd annual ‘Sagrantino Month’ at Eataly to be held this March. The Sagrantino Month promotion will take place at Eataly’s New York City location as well as the newly opened Chicago store. The promotion marks the beginning of the third year of a national Sagrantino campaign that includes events, promotions, media and trade relations. “We achieved excellent results in the past two years and we want to build on the positive trend,” explained Amilcare Pambuffetti, president of the Montefalco Consortium. “Having established a foundation in New York, this year we’re especially excited to showcase Sagrantino in other US cities including Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, all focus markets for our producers.”

The Sagrantino Month promotion at both Eataly locations will include seminars for press and trade, consumer classes, free tastings and wine-by-the-glass programs at all of Eataly’s restaurants. The year-long promotion will continue with virtual tastings with US press, trade-focused tastings in Los Angeles and San Francisco, press trips to Montefalco, dedicated importer meetings for unrepresented producers and a consumer & trade awareness and education program.

There are five participating wineries in the Sagrantino Month promotion: Antonelli San Marco, Arnaldo Caprai, Perticaia, Scacciadiavoli and Tenuta Castelbuono. Four more wineries will be involved in the other activities throughout the year: Colle del Saraceno, Le Cimate, Romanelli and Tenuta Bellafonte.

Please visit for more information on Sagrantino and Montefalco, and visit for schedules and specials during Sagrantino Month.


Saturday, 1st of March, 2014 – 12pm to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Tuesday, 4th of March, 2014 – from 12:30pm to 2pm – Opening Event
Thursday, 6th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store Eataly Vino
Friday, 7th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumers about Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG and Montefalco DOC.
Friday, 7th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 8th of March, 2014 – from 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Friday, 14th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumer about Sagrantino DOCG.
Friday, 14th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 15th of March, 2014 – 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Wednesday, 19th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumers about Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG and Montefalco DOC.
Friday, 21st of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 22nd of March, 2014 – from 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
Monday, 24th of March, 2014 – from 6:30pm to 8pm – Class for Consumer about Montefalco DOC.
Friday, 28th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
Saturday, 29th of March, 2014 – from 12am to 6pm – Tasting pairing at Corner Eccellenze
For the entire month of March:Wine on sale inside Eataly and serving at Eataly restaurants.


 9th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
10th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
12nd of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
13rd of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
14th of March, 2014 – from 6pm to 8pm – Tasting at the Wine Store – Eataly Vino
For the entire month of March:Wine on sale inside Eataly and serving at Eataly restaurants.